I have been writing music since I learned my first three guitar chords (G, C, and Csus) in 2009. What started as a way to occupy my mind while I learned new chords turned into a beautiful surprise in processing the world around us. Though I didn’t learn guitar until 2009, music had been a part of my life since that fateful day when I was in the 5th grade when my Mom couldn’t handle my drumming on the counter any more and the only way she could think of to stop it was to put me in band class (big mistake! The drummer only got more ammunition!). It was around that time that I started writing poems, and while I didn’t stay consistent with it, it became the backbone that helped me to song write when those first few chords were taught to me by a friend at BAND CAMP.
    I am deeply passionate about writing about the difficult things of faith and doubt. I believe that plenty of people talk about how great faith is, which it IS, but not enough people talk about how it is O.K. and to be expected to wrestle with doubts in this life. No matter how much you know you know you know that Jesus is good and loves you, you are simply human and prone to doubts and struggles. Especially when horrible things happen in this world. Especially, when Christians cause some of those horrible things. I believe that Music is meant to help us through this life in one way  or another and I hope that my music will help people to know that walking with Jesus doesn’t have to look one way, that God loves us all, and that He doesn’t kick us out of His Kingdom when we struggle. He wants to struggle with us.

     I recorded my first EP in 2010 and while it taught me so much and was the best I had to offer at the time, it is now NOT available for anybody to hear by choice (unless you were one of seven people who bought a CD back then!). Since then I recorded a four song EP with my church at the time in Missouri in 2016, a five song EP with Holt Evans of Plug Point Studios in Wilmington, NC, and a five song acoustic EP with Tyler Somers in Nashville, TN. And there is a new full-band EP on the way so stay tuned!

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